How to Deal with Burnout

As a hardworking business owner or employee with burnout, what’s your source of comfort? It’s easy to heed the calls of alcohol and mind-altering substances or wear a humbug smile to escape criticism from colleagues. These aren’t proper ways to deal with burnout. On the contrary, they increase frustration and onboard additional problems. Making life […]
Substance Abuse Statistics for Lawyers

Believe it or not — lawyers are humans too. While mental health struggles are at an all-time high no thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, lawyers have been silently grappling with depression for eons. Long work hours, juggling daunting court cases, competing to be the best, and less time with family can really wear down one’s […]
7 Tips to Beat the Winter Blues and Avoid Getting SAD

Let’s reflect on how ‘merry’ it is to have the winter season around. Sometimes it travels with powerful winter storms that shut down our communication systems. It covers our vehicles, so they aren’t visible to the eyes and leave us aching after a painful slip on the snow. (You know how excruciating the pain from […]
How to Nurture Your Mental Health at Work

2020: the Year of the Lockdown. The Year of Mental Health Struggles. The year wherein most folks took their work home. Unless you’re an essential worker i.e. medical professionals or restaurant workers, chances are your business is now conducted out of your home office. If you’re still working from home, you may find that your […]
How to Stay Sane at Work During a Pandemic

You can enrich your mental health during this horrendous time. In this article, I spill the beans on how to stay sane as an attorney in a pandemic.
How to Maintain Mental Health in a Pandemic

2020 has been a trying year for mental health. There’s a raging global pandemic that doesn’t appear to be slowing down any time soon. Heightened divisiveness between political parties. An increase in wildfires, particularly on the west coast. Murder hornets! And, to top it all off, folks are still arrogant pricks on the internet. We’ve […]
6 Negative Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

Aren’t we all social butterflies looking to connect and establish meaningful relationships? Connecting with others is important, especially when there’s a ruthless pandemic on the prowl. Social media makes it easy for you to stay in the loop. You get to keep up with the latest fads, explore new habits, and unleash your creative beast. […]
Depression Quiz – Am I Depressed and How Depressed Am I?
If you need to chat with someone or want help, call me. You’re not alone and I’m here for you. 619-254-2868 or email: Did you know… In 2017, 47,173 Americans died by suicide 70% of individuals tell someone or give warning signs before taking their own life Suicide rates overall have increased by 24 […]
Right On Time: A Theory Supporting the Momentary Nature of Perception
Our judgement process causes common events to be misinterpreted as being important. For example, let’s imagine that you recently had a fascinating conversation about traveling to Australia with a friend, and it gets stuck in your head (though you’ve never really considered it before). Over the next week, you repeatedly see ads for Australian tourism […]
How To Do a Mindfulness Body Scan
It sounds almost paradoxical, but maintaining a mindful state is heavily linked to the body as a whole. With this being said, many mindfulness practitioners say that the best place to start is with a mindfulness body scan, which I will walk you through it at the end of this article, but you don’t want […]
Mindfulness and Cognitive Psychology: The Start of a Beautiful Friendship?
I’m not trying to turn this into a science blog, but it seems like the field has had a lot to add to discussion of mindfulness as of late. I’ve always been a proponent of taking a scientific approach to the mindful state, so that we can learn as much about it as possible, but […]
Next Level Mindfulness: Identifying the Self
This is a doozy, but worth it. We’ve arrived at a point in our discussions where it’s become necessary to address some potentially distressing concepts. Through the practice of mindfulness and gaining an understanding of the moment, it is inevitable that we question the true nature of our personal identity, or “self”. The topic is […]